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Blog Tour: The Summer of Madness by Alexander Raphael

Released: March 2019

Publisher: Independently published

Genre: Romance (short story)

Buy link:

Click here for the amazon link.


In the summer of love, or rather of madness, a whole set of stories are emerging. But there is one that has got everyone talking. When Kurt Vannes decides to win back his ex-girlfriend with the help of a literary classic, he sets off a string of events that will build to a dramatic finale.

My Thoughts

I love books about books, so when this review request dropped into my inbox, I couldn't resist.

At less than 50 pages, I sat and read it one evening and it was a delight. With such a short book, I don't want to give away more than is written in the blurb, but I was pleasantly surprised with how the author chose to end the plot.

Kurt himself is a likeable, relatable character who realises his mistakes and sets about trying to correct them. The story is well-paced, amusing in places and completely heartfelt.

The author is able to set the scene really quickly, creating an atmosphere within a few short paragraphs and placing the reader where he wants them for the story to begin. I was immersed straight away and found this to be an enjoyable, satisfying little book.

You don't often see short stories published outside of anthologies, so I'm glad to have been involved in promoting this story and look forward to whatever else Alexander releases.

Thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for inviting me to be part of the blog tour, and to Alex Raphael for sending me a copy for review.

About the Author

Alex Raphael has worked as a journalist and copywriter and lives in London. The Summer of Madness was his first published short story, his second book was called 'Illusions, Delusions'.

Alex is currently working on his third collection of short stories, which will provide a blend of genres.

Click here for more information from his website.

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